Hearing press describe the sound quality as better then Sonos caught my attention. Though my interest in a Homepod is likely dependent on them also supporting audio from a TV somehow. Otherwise if it's only for music, I may pass it up. Clearly there's more details to be released, and Sonos has yet to respond to the voice control aspect yet. So I'm mostly in a holding pattern currently.

Apple doing demos comparing it to Sonos and the Amazon Echo did pretty much tell me it's not likely that Apple will be buying Sonos. Thought maybe they were on that path especially after seeing Sonos speakers sold via Apple Stores.

I did end up ordering a new iPad, the 10.5 Pro. The Air 2 I have now is still really great, though it's turning into a hand me down in the family to get rid of an old iPad 2. Really interested to see how iOS 11 changes up the experience, feels like this is finally a good solid split between the phone and tablet that may lead me to abandoning a home/travel notebook down the line.