Originally Posted By: DWallach
"Not vulnerable yet" is a better way to approach the problem, since there will be many new variations on these attacks discovered over time. AMD isn't necessarily safe.

Following the panicked rollout of info, PR spin, independant discoveries by those not previously disclosed, and theories of how bad it could be in real time was interesting. Revealed a lot about the different folks involved and what signals to follow. The Intel vs AMD PR releases reminded me of the good ole days of their early x86 design competition.

Someone guessed (likely well) that Spectre is going to change and be an issue for the entire field for the next ten years. At least. And it could disrupt some companies or systems folks previously thought were too big and solid to fall. I'll be curious to see the advancements from this too. The old Pentium FDIV bug helped lead to CPU microcode updates instead of having to fully scrap flawed silicon.