This may be the makings of a wish list item... I've read about new clock visuals in version 2.0. Is one of these a plain HH:MM:SS 12-hour clock format? I'm looking at the easiest possible combination of clock + stopwatch funtions to have in the car for local TSD rallies, and the best possible clock solution I can think of is to have an HH:MM:SS clock taking up the entire Empeg display. These events usually take place in evening, so visibility should not be a problem, esp if the clock uses simple "brightest" block numbers (no fancy shadows or anything).

This clock needs to be synchronized. I fetched a program from the BBS that grabs time from a serially-attached GPS and am going to try that out. So long as we only use it for clock function (not that knowing our lat/lon would help, but knowing GPS-provided speed over ground could be considered cheating), I don't think we'll be violating Novice or SOP (seat of pants) class rules. I've also downloaded debian arm NTP binaries. My idea is as follows: If Empeg boots up at home, have init load ntpdate and get time from my local NTP server (Linux file server with a GPS), if it boots up in car have it get time from GPS antenna in car (at least initially...I haven't looked a cron/scheduling facilties in Empeg).

Hey, next TSD is on 14 September, so if you want to release V2 just in time for that, that'd be swell!



'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.