I think it would be cool if I could skip playlists.

For example, from time to time I use the 'three times down'-shortcut to play in random order.
Now when empeg starts to play a Cat Stevens album and I feel more like Trash Metal, it would be great if I could skip the whole album to see what's next.

Right now I have to push the right button [number of tracks minus 1] times (AND I have to wait for the drives to spin up because the tracks are not in the cache), while always checking the display when the next playlist/album begins.

Ok, pushing the right button _long_ skips inside the current track; so how about pushing the right button short and long in short succession, something like 'double-click and hold'.
Or, to make it even simpler, empeg skips to the next playlist, if the right button is pushed long during the first second or half a second of a track.

If there is no following playlist, functionality just stays the same.

Does this make sense to anyone ?

Dr. Pupvogel
mk2 #080000169