In reply to:

the level of anger increases significantly if an order has been placed but not dispatched

A very valid point, but not for me personally, especially if I know that I will be notified once what I've ordered becomes available. I am used to pre-ordering DVDs a couple of months in advance and the only thing that annoys me is if they don't have the features that they are supposed to have and were the ones that influenced my decision to buy. I'm just being tetchy at the moment because of the things I can't seem to get at the moment e.g.

1. Cable broadband internet - even though their web site says it is available for my postcode, it isn't
2. ADSL - which is not available on my exchange.
3. A DigiBox that I can plug my TiVo drive into - Pace have brought out a dual decoder PTR unit that I would like, but I'm not paying another set of subscription charges.
4. A PC that will let me use DisplayServer properly - I think mine needs a reformat and reinstall but I hate doing that.
5. The ability to make the simplest changes on my empeg without having to constantly ask for help on this BBS.


Steve - 18GB Mk II Sssmokey

2x80GB Mk II with Illuminated buttons