PIP? Isn't that CP/M? Not that I'm old enough to actually have ever used CP/M
Yes indeed: PIP was the most important CP/M command -- used for almost anything in the days that unix hadn't been invented yet (actually I'm not totally shure of that) and that on-line meant remote TTY access to PDP6's. You're right: it shows my age :)=

Others have explained how to do this so I won't bother repeating it.
mv /drive1/fids/100 /drive0/fids/100

I must say much more elegant indeed that the good old PIP command, which might possibly have worked something like this:
pip c:\fids\100 d:\fids\100
It shows the progress made over all these years

# 00120 (6GB+18)
Henno mk2 [orange]6 [/orange]nr 6