And I thought it was just a case of slapping in a CD and letting it go.

Usually, it is. The thing about gapless playback you have to realize is:

- There aren't that many albums which are recorded as one continuous track. You might not even own one of these albums.

- Even if you owned one of these albums, you might not ever listen to it in the correct playing order. With so much music at your disposal, it's often more fun to shuffle.

- Even if you do listen to the album sequentially, it's not a very big problem to have the MP3-induced gaps. It's just a tiny little "bump" in between the tracks. It almost sounds like a skip on a vinyl record.

So the only time you'd want to go to all this trouble is if you were a perfectionist and absolutely HAD to hear Dark Side of the Moon the way it was meant to be played.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris