Many thanks to the Empeg (riocar) guys. I ordered a bunch of aluminum stock today and should have some prototypes sometime next week (you can all guess were the first several working facias are going). Just running some 3D simulations of the CNC code I have produced is showing some very promising results. The hardest part is those little dimples around the bolt holes. They require using a 1/32" cutter which is really easy to break and not super cheap. Since my CNC machine is a small desktop model, cutting speeds are fairly slow so the projected cut times are around 7 hours per facia (and that doesn't include setup time and 3 tool changes while cutting). I'm hoping I can cut that by half. I'd be happy if I can produce at least 7 a week.

Once I get working models (that's a big IF) I will setup a little website for online ordering. It will be first come first serve (remember the good old days of getting in line to purchase an empeg).
