
My view with buying the tripmate was it was a cheap entry level product that had the features I required to "get going". I can't see it being so inaccurate as to be unusable, especially considering the approach I am intending on taking... Sure once the system is running and I can see myself with more than a few waypoints, or wanting to do more interesting things requiring more accurate location data, that will be the time for me to get a better GPS...

If you are looking to buy a GPS now and are looking for something more accurate, it would be an interesting exercise to see how whatever system gets built handles the different qualities of data..

As for conversion of GPS data for the Earthmate...gpsd can talk to the unit so I don't see the binary format as being a problem... at least from the point of view of getting basic date, lat, lon and speed info out of it... But maybe you can think of more information we might want access to... I am new to GPS's myself... :)

