I find this thread fascinating. On the one hand, I hope my empeg lasts me years, at least until something better comes along five or so years down the road. If it doesn't last that long for whatever reason, and if I'm unable to get it repaired, I will be at a loss as to what to do. I would love to have a never-use spare.

On the other hand, I couldn't afford the empeg I *did* purchase, much less a spare for it. I mean, $1400 US is about the most I've ever spent on a gadget that makes me giggle (except for the car). Hell that's rent or a mortgage payment.

I can't say I've been happier with my other gadget purchases than my empeg though. I mean, I love having a fancy camera and a sharp shooting sniper rifle (hunting animals, not people), but I definitely don't get the enjoyment out of those that I do out of my empeg.

What to do.

I guess in the mean time I hope and see if a)my empeg goes bad and b)Hugo and Rob are still around to fix it if it does.


RioCar (40Gig) Blue/Red/Green
'01 Audi A4 2.8 Quattro