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Remember that the player has got NO CLUE that Track B is a continuation of Track A, and it's actually doing the Right Thing to dump the bit reservior and restart the decoder when it encounters a new track. If it didn't, then two disparate tracks would have a glitch at the boundary, and that's not good either. In fact, it would be worse. So I think the player is doing the Right Thing now. It's certainly doing the best it can with the material it's been given.

Yeah, you're right, leaving the bit reservoir in place could cause some sonic issues with normal tracks. But I figured that if the track isn't gapless to begin with, that it would be even more inaudible with "gapped" tracks than with "gapless" ones. I could be wrong about that though.

It might be nice to have a configurable setting to preserve the bit reservoir or not. This setting could be made global, or it could be set for each playlist.

Still, Terminator says he's looking into the '--nogap' setting on LAME, which should be a real help.

Michael Grant
12GB Green
Michael Grant 12GB Green 080000266