Congratulations on your new toy!

Sorry to hear about the theft. It just so happens, that's how I got my first empeg. It actually cost a bit more than the insurance money, but I talked my wife into it anyway.

Bet you're going to pull it out of your dash and take it with you every time though, huh? Having a stereo ripped off makes one pretty paranoid.

Your problem could be your amp, yes. It also could be something wrong with the wires; either the wires running between your dash and your amp, or it could be crossed speaker wires. Perhaps the thieves yanked on some wires and cut the insulation on a metal edge or something.

The way to narrow it down is to connect a small portable CD player directly to the amplifier and try it. If the problem still exists, then you know it's the amp or the speaker wires.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris