Oh, the torture!

So I went in and blew away the database files and fids. Next, I downgraded to 1.03. Then I upgraded BACK to 2.0b3.

Amazingly - the USB connection showed up right away, and ... I GOT IN! No database issues, nothing. I didn't try uploading any music just yet. I was just happy to make it through the connection sequence.

So just to see if it was a fluke, I closed emplode, ran it again, got the USB detection right away, picked it ... AND ...

"There doesn't appear to be a player connected." AAAAHH!

I try again. Now it can't even detect the USB device.

I unplug and plug back in the USB. It finds it! GOOD! Wait. It can't get the DATABASE LOCK now. C'MON ...

OK. Reboot the unit. Done. Try emplode again. IT WORKS AGAIN. Yay!

Let's try and synch nothing in particular. Gets through the whole thing, no sweat. Good.

Close emplode. Run again. Get the USB icon right away. And ... "There doesn't appear to be a player connected."

Well at least this time it's starting to look consistent. I need to reboot the player before running emplode and it connects.

Try doing just that. Now it doesn't find the USB connection at all. Try it a few more times. Nothing. (Is it my connection to the PC? No, nice 'n snug.)

Alright, I'm about to make this a non-issue (at least for me at the moment). Switch to IP ADDRESS for a change. No problems.

Stop/restart emplode. Connect - no problems. Again. No problems. Again. (intoning "I am Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire ...")

Right. That was fun.
-- JD - SN# 040104008 (120GB Blue, Digital Out)