OK - I ran into a space issue while doing my DB conversion, but it took me a while to figure out that this is what the problem was.. (Might want to make the warnings a little more obvious...)

Installed 2.0b3, started empeg,

while loopcount<6 do

tried to play a song, invalid mp3 file.. ok..

ran emplode, tried to sync, got prompted to convert the DB, (keep in mind that I'm at work and doing most of this while I'm doing 20 other things..), clicked yes, (6000+ songs, this takes a while..) waited 20 minutes, got some warnings (didn't look like anything major, invalid mp3 warnings for some files..), clicked ok

tried to play song, invalid mp3
tried to re-sync, got error w/ unable to connect to db


expanded the field that the warnings were on, the actual error said that I was too low on disk space to do the current task

deleted playlist, resync'd, ran conversion again, same errors.

realized that just deleting the playlist doesn't delete the cd, found the album and deleted the reference to it in emplode's album list, resync'd, worked fine this time...

...SO emplode was acting correctly, but it would have been nice for the out of space error to have been more pronounced - as it is glancing at it didn't show it - I had to expand a field to read the entire message.


ps - I had about 9mb's free during all this.

This space used in memory of the victims from 09/11/01
http://mvgals.net - clublife, revisited.