Here's a rather annoying bug in 2.00-beta3, using the Rio Car player:

1.) Start playing an MP3 file while the car is on.
2.) Change to tuner mode. (I used the Tuner button on the remote control.)
3.) Turn the car off. (The bug does NOT occur if you just turn the player off and back on while the car is still on.)
4.) Turn the car back on. The unit starts up in tuner mode. So far, so good.
5.) Press the Source button on the remote control. This should switch back to the MP3 file and start playing at the point in the song it was at where you switched to tuner mode in step 2. Instead, the bug(s) occurs:
a.) After the first press of the Source button, the display stays on tuner mode, but the sound is gone and the line at the top of the unit just shows "Source:"
b.) After the next press of the Source button, the player finally switches back to MP3 mode, but the song does not automatically start playing. It has actually gone into a complete Stop mode, and it is at the very beginning of the song instead of being where you left it at the beginning of step 2.