Firstly, it would allow for dimmer control in situations where we don't have it now. ie, Mark 1 players and Mk2's in the home. Do we really NEED dimmer control at home? Probably not.
Either way, user control of that dimmer setting would probably get done faster and more to the users' liking if we don't have to wait for the Empeg team to do it.
Maybe there could be a text file in /empeg/var or something with various times-of-day and their respective dimmer setting. This file could even be modified depending on the date or something. I'm just trying to justify this wish, but it would probably never be REALLY needed - just another cool user hack.

Edit: The lack of dimmer in the Mk1 is a hardware limitation, isn't it?.....if so, nevermind about the Mk1.

Edited by Dearing (30/10/2001 15:20)
_~= Dearing =~_
Gettin' back into it thanks to slimrio!