The empeg-car expects a vt100 terminal running at 115200 with no parity and no handshaking.

Since the player software runs the music transfer protocol over the serial port it is set to raw mode while the player is running - this means that line feeds are not expanded to carriage-return/line feed pairs. It also means that you can't use the keyboard interface to the player or use ctrl C to kill it.

I must admit that I haven't actually tried this but you should be able to get a shell prompt on the developer version by hitting ctrl C very quickly when the player starts (you should see Starting Xxxxx... appear on the serial port several times for different parts of the program).

We're hoping to find an alternative way of sharing the serial port on the developer version for a future beta-release that should make getting a shell prompt somewhat easier.

Mike Crowe
I may not be speaking on behalf of empeg above :-)
Mike Crowe