I got this error in emplode while syncing via ethernet:
Synchronise failed while rebuilding database.
An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host (error 0x80072746)

And under details:
Task: Initialising
Warning:Meltdown could not be syncronised., An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host (error 0x80072746)

Meltdown was the last track syncing from the album I had added. The empeg was still moving the sync logo around for 10 mins after that, and had the drive spun up, but no activity according to the icon on the display. I closed emplode and reopened it, and it would see the empeg, but gave it a question mark and wou;dn't reconnect. Once I powercycled, it rebuilt the database on the player during boot, then the next sync it did an fschk and rebuilt the database. Once I got back in, I checked the album, and Meltdown was not there. Resyncing with just Meltdown worked fine, and the album overall seems fine.