What state to put the player in to skip tracks? There's a variety of ways this could be accomplished: The option could be placed as one of the items the volume/balance/fader menu when you tap the knob multiple times. Or it could switch into that state when you hold the knob down for several seconds-- I like that idea best! It would really be no different than the idea of spinning the knob to select a radio frequency.

My biggest dislike about the player is the difficulty of navigating the playlist menus while driving. It's simply not safe to navigate those menus while driving, yet I find myself doing just that all the time. The solution I've come up with is to build big playlists. You can navigate thru a big playlist easily enough without having to look down at the screen too much. However, sometimes this takes MANY button pushes over and over and pausing before moving forward doesn't help mch at all.

I am really hopeful that voice recognition will help solve this problem-- making it easier to select different stuff while you're driving.

If you want to talk about seldom used features, I would say having a balance control quickly availble is such a feature. Does anyone here actually adjust their balance on a regular basis?!?