I think the issue here is not so much detecting standby, but rather deciding how to handle it in the context of "init keypresses"

OK, so if you think detecting it is doable than the obvious answer is to provide two init sequences. One for normal powerups and one for standby powerupps.

The other potential glitch was that the player may resume playing music before the "init keypresses" are played, but that probably won't be too big of a deal for most purposes.. or will it?

Again, it sounds like there are no options here. The init sequence may not happen before the player begins playing. Anybody who wants to use an init sequence will have to deal with this possibility. Unless there is a way to block the player from playing the first file? Could you block the player's read() of the state info or the first FID until after it accepts the IR presses? Sounds kind of far fetched.

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration