And let's not raise the safety issues of browsing GPS maps on Palm screen while driving

It can't be as bad as looking up directions on it while driving. I was good though and pulled over to initially connect to the internet and get the directions, but I was going back and forth between two screens while driving in weird Denver traffic. Having a wireless internet connection can be useful at times, but MapQuest sucks for directions, since it didn't have exit numbers.

I'm using a Garmin GPS 35 TracPak PC

I'll have to look into this one. It looks to be a basic unit, and that would work well for me. I've looked at a few, and they use a non-standard protocal, and that ends up forcing you into their software. Getting a DB9 -> Palm V cable is easy enough for it, or the whole IR thing with the empeg would be really nice. Sometime down the road I want to put a generic computer in the car, and have the MK2, the car computer, and possibly my laptop on a LAN sharing things like a GPS or wireless internet connection.

My empeg site is: