OK.. Sorry I took so long on this. I finally got time to go through the e-mails and pick the winner.

I'm happy to announce the winner is Melkon "CrazyMelki". CrazyMelki had an amazing guess that was only off by 3. My serial is 090000826 and the guess was 09000823. The runner up was Taym with a guess of 09000821 (so close).

Thanks for playing everyone.

The project is currently being looked over by a large production machine shop. I went to the shop and spent a couple hours talking to the shop manager and their machinist. They were actually very impressed with the results I was getting with a desktop CNC machine. Since they have never done a contoured metal object like the fascia, they are going to play around with it and see what they can do. The machinist was actually excited about trying to do it since he has never done anything like it in his 30+ years of machining. I'm hoping to hear something within the next couple weeks.