I would agree and disagree with Tony's statement here. If you have NEVER made a Quake map before, modeling your house or office is not a bad idea. Yes, the map may suck for long term play or you may find that a carefully placed rocket launcher down a long hall gives you a sound advantage but it will help you get used to 3D modeling, texture mapping, and goodies placement in an environment you are already familiar with. You will probably scrap it later and truely develop a map with uniqueness to it but starting with the basics is never bad. Besides, if your office is in an older building, modeling it may create some interesting nooks and crannies you never knew existed and are helpful in designing.

As for which is better or easier, it all depends on the tool you use. I used to use WorldCraft to make Quake II levels all the time and found it an easier modeler to use than anything out there. But it was very much like other CAD software I had already used. I haven't played with the UR modeler yet but am planning on it. Learning to create the worlds isn't that hard. It just takes time and practice.
