Rob --

We know you can't tell us that "...your unit is scheduled to be shipped on December 17th at 11:42 am and 22 seconds, and will reach your home in Corncob Junction, Kansas approximately 3 days, 6 hours, and 11 minutes later...".

But you really could tell us once a week (even once a day if you were feeling generous) that "...the highest queue number contacted to date is: #### ".

This would satisfy the curiosity of nearly everyone, and even if the information were essentially meaningless (based on your message above) as far as determining the actual shipping/arrival date, we would know that things are really happening and could get a feel for the pacing of them.

C'mon, Rob - it would take you no more than 30 seconds a week to do this. Assuming you're working "only" 50 hours a week, that comes to less than seventeen thousandths of one percent of your working time. I'm sure PaulH would be happy to start a section on the chat board just for this feature, and it would make a whole lot of people rreeeaaalllly happy.

D'ya think?


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"