I want to find out how you ended up installing you player in your SAAB 9-5. I just purchased a '99 Saab 9-3 and would be grateful if you would describe anything that I should tell the installed concerning the installation. I haven't really asked many people about installing it but what I've decided to do for now (unless there is a way to replace the head unit) is install the unit in the glove box. Maybe, the installer can be really clever and install a switch near the driver's seat which will automatically open the glove box and even have a motorized slide for the player to slide up and aim toward the driver. Wouldn't that be cool. Anyway, I hope you still frequent this board and will reply to my message soon.


Reg_2845 Serial #00173
Reg #2845: Mark 1 #00173, Mark 2 #119, Mark 2a