Yeah of course but it's not even updating the display of the graph. And the timecode isn't incrementing like it used to. I know that it won't have the "phrases" identified until you play through once...

Actually you inspired me to switch to a song which I know had been played once while the seek tool was working. Well the graph comes up with all the pretty blocks where the phrases are. And hitting left/right switches between them just fine, and the knob acts as a "jog dial" like it's supposed to. But the display still isn't updating. Timecode reads all zeroes and the blinkie cursor isn't moving along the graph.

EDIT: Well just to mess around I switched to Auxiliary source and back, and now the graph is working again. But I am certain there is a bug there. I know this feature is very new and known to be buggy, but I wanted to make sure the team knows about this particular problem. I wonder what I did which caused it to go funky... Well, seems to be good now.

Edited by yn0t_ (26/12/2001 13:29)
- Tony C
my empeg stuff