I had my amp and empeg installed today. When it was all done, the guy had read the instructions, but not quite followed them. The noise was horrible. He had plugged the supplied RCAs between the empeg and the amp cables, then wrapped the ground wires in tape...

I checked it out, and had him fix it. The RCAs are now plugged into the amp (in the trunk). From there, long RCA cables make the run to the front of the car where the empeg is mounted. I couldn't convince him to wrap the RCA jacks on the radio in tape, but they're isolated pretty well for now, and I'll tape them up later. The ground wires are connected to amp ground.

Anyways... There was this horrible high pitched, cycling squeal coming out of the speakers. If one of us grabbed the ground wires and moved them around (keeping them connected, just moving the wire around), the noise would go away. Eventually I found that if I wrap them up together, fold them over to take out the slack, and zip-tie them to the connectors between the short RCA cables and the long ones, the noise vanished. So that's where I'm at now. There's noise somewhere, but somehow by putting the ground wires NEAR the rca's, it goes away.

Any ideas? Was my description too convoluted?
