I too see the
  spindown_chunk_cache_runner.cpp: 292:Filling up space (110)

error often. Sometimes it will be 1 a seconds for about 5 seconds, then it might not happen for 10 minutes. Last time I happened, I rewound and listened to the same spot it did it last time and nothing happened... then later it did it where it had not happened before... doesn't seem to be related to that part of the song.

While rewinding (after not seeing any errors for ~5min), I see this:
! mp3_decoder.cpp   :1052:Failed to seek to offset 9810231, error=0xc0044000

spindown_chunk_cache_runner.cpp: 292:Filling up space (110)
spindown_chunk_cache_runner.cpp: 292:Filling up space (110)
! mp3_decoder.cpp :1052:Failed to seek to offset 9763949, error=0xc0044000
spindown_chunk_cache_runner.cpp: 292:Filling up space (110)
! mp3_decoder.cpp :1052:Failed to seek to offset 9737263, error=0xc0044000
spindown_chunk_cache_runner.cpp: 292:Filling up space (110)

I've got a MkIIa running 2.0b7 with hijack 151. Nothing else (e.g. vncserver) is running.
--The Amigo