Thanks to both of the responses so far. I had a rush of blood to the head, went out and bought an amplifier, and spoke to a local colleague who is a bit of an expert at car electrics, having worked for Lucas. Together we picked out something made in Germany, called the "Magnat RAVE 440". This amp does 4 x 110 Watts, allows up to 4 V input, and allows bridging, and works on 12 volt -ve ground electricals. We also bought a few metres of cable, and now we're looking for the best place in the VW Passat Variant to fit such an amplifier. I'm thinking about under a seat, but I guess this should be the front seat, since it needs some ventilation for cooling.

I also took off the panel covering the Euro-DIN slot, and found that contrary to the opinion of the "experts" in Vienna, there is indeed enough space in the Passat for an EmPeg unit. So, my only concern now, and the area where I would appreciate advice on, is:

  1. Where should the Amp be mounted? How can I fix it to the car?
  2. What's the easiest way to run cables from the head end to the amp, then back again? (The speakers all terminate behind the head end.)
  3. Does anyone have a list of the colour coding for cables in a VW Passat?
    Thanks very much for any responses.

    Paul Gillingwater
    Red Hat Certified Engineer
Paul Gillingwater
Red Hat Certified Engineer