I understand your concerns. Don't worry, I'm not an invasive person. I'd never make a popup to make my page your homepage or something like that. I hate those. I try to design my site as a person who surfs the web constantly. I have stumbled on enough completely invasive web pages to know what's annoying.

My reason for wanting to change the mouse are mainly stylistic. I like having control over the look and color of my site, so much so that I've been spending a hell of a lot of time just going through and converting all my pages to use CSS instead of tags everywhere. I hate those mouse-following effects that people use. I purely want to change its color, and only subtly. I have been to pages that do this and it doesn't bother me a bit when it's tastefully done.

And really, it doesnt' matter all that much. The only people coming to my site are people I know. I doubt anyone who didn't know me would want to come to my site, it would bore them to death!