Well, I don't have the ftp installed and I wouldn't have any way to know which FID's they were...

So the files are GONE GONE even if they exsisted in other playlists (this would only be a handful because I usually don't cross-reference my files)?? I hope not... cuz, for example, not only would all my Chemical Brothers songs be gone, but all of the songs they remixed for other bands...

Some good news:
I at least know that all the deleted files had artists that began with "C". And I know how many artists were deleted (I had just writen down how many playlists were in the A-C list.)

Well, I take all responsibility for this... I remember seeing Bruno's warning thread. I just never opened it because I had 2.07Beta running for a while with no incident and just figured I'd be fine... sigh. Even if there was no warning, I assume risk by installing a Beta software. I am kinda surprised this got past Alpha testing, but that is certainly no one's fault and we begged and begged for the next beta.

edit: I do all of my uploading with my notebook that only has a 10GB drive.... so there are no back-ups...

Edited by SE_Sport_Driver (10/01/2002 18:41)
Brad B.