Hedging my bets, I ordered a 60GB on Jan 5 on the off-chance that my Jan 2 10GB and Jan 3 20GB orders wouldn't be filled. Well, they have, including the 60GB.

The 60GB is on its way back to SONICblue and hopefully should soon be in the hands of someone waiting for one.

Maybe the 60GBs haven't sold out, but either way, I'm happier to turn it back in for a refund instead of trying to weasel an extra hundred bucks for it off some poor sap on eBay.

So, if you've got a 60GB order that is still waiting to be filled, maybe its your lucky day.

(The International store wasn't interested in me redirecting the 60GB to them.)
- - - MK2 #141 12GB Queue #5723 (SOLD) MK2a 30GB + grn + tuner + blk empeg case