I have to agree with Tim here. I may have stated this before in another discussion, but I'm a little old fashioned in some respects. I like the same food all the time. Once I'm burned by a product, I'll never buy from them again. I believe in getting a good deal for your money. And so on.

One of the things that I've experienced myself over time is that those Germans make a damned fine product. It may be pricey but it's worth it. Be that bier, autos, or speakers.

MB Quarts are not cheap. However they can certainly take a beating, and yet sound exquisite. I've been buying MB Quarts for my cars for fourteen years and I've never once had the opportunity to be disappointed. I can't say the same for others, even, sadly, my one time favorite Boston Acoustic.

For subwoofers, as far as I'm concerned there's only one size and one manufacturer. JL Audio 10". If you need more bass than that, add more tens. Anything other than that and I've heard muddy, cruddy, squishy, squashy, flappy, crappy, tinny, and cranky. Again I've never had the opportunity to be disappointed with JL Audio. I've been buying those for about eight years.
