I think you may be overestimating the percentage of purchasers (or would-be purchasers) of this product who would fall into the "techie" category. At this early stage in the development, I suspect the techie interest is relatively high - but once this product goes mainstream, so to speak, I would be surprised if one purchaser in a hundred was even remotely competent with basic Unix/Linux commands, much less capable of or interested in writing application software for his radio. I know that I'm not, and I am more computer-competent than most people I am personally acquainted with.

The market demographic that empeg is aiming for is NOT the computer geek - it is the audiophile. There are orders of magnitude more people out there wanting to buy a state of the art music player for their car than there are people who want a mobile computer that happens to play music.

That said -- thanks to both you and Hugo for putting up one of the most interesting, entertaining, and informative threads to date on this BBS.


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"