In september, I got an Empeg. Loved it and then saw these dropping prices...So, Tuesday, I bought another, now Rio Car, in the 30GB model.

I received Thursday and powered it up in the house. It made a few HD clicking noises, then came on and stayed at the RIO logo. Not sure if this is the standard, but when trying to connect via USB, Serial, or Ethernet to Emplode, no go.

So, I upgraded to the developer 2b7. It started working fine. I put 200 songs on it for test, and feeling confident and happy, turned the older empeg over to my friend.

Knew that was a bad idea....Driving down the street today, with less than an hour total play time and four hours power time on the empeg, and the unit powers down.

So, I had to pull it out and put it back in the tray. Again, the dreaded click, click, click of the Hard Drive. The only other time I have heard that was on a completely dead scsi hd for the pc.

It also gives me an error stating there is no hard drive.

Now, I am assuming that this is a dead unit and in need of replacement, but wanted to see if maybe (hopefully) I am wrong???
//== MK2 Rio Car 20 GB Single Drive ==\\