Can there be added a field in the database for track number? Most of my uploads are complete CD's, and they don't always end up in the right order. I've been keeping the Track # in the "comments" ID3 field.

This is, coincidentally, almost exactly what ID3v1.1 does. It takes the last byte of the comment field and uses it for track number. Seems like ID3v1.1 would be a relatively small enhancement to emplode.

(Of course, we're all hoping for v2.3, but that's a bit more effort.)

BTW, there is a short-term workaround to the track ordering issue. Some have suggested prefixing the file name, which is IMHO ugly. What has worked for me is sorting by date in explorer before drag-and-drop to the emplode window. Since AudioCatalyst rips then encodes each track in sequence, the dates match. Of course, if I go back to edit ID3 tags, I'm hosed.

Mk.IIa #010101243 currently getting a 500GB SSD. More spares in the shed.