1) If you could port Voladj to the Receiver, you would be my hero.

Once I can get the stock kernel built it looks very straight-forward, while the Receiver uses different hardware for it's DAC the drivers are very similar in structure (because Hugo wrote both of them).

2) Please move this thread over to the Rio Receiver BBS.

Will do, I did put it here for a reason through, far more people read this BBS and I thought there was a chance someone might be able to help.

3) This is just a wild guess, but doesn't the Rio Receiver use something other than an ARM processor? Maybe it needs a different cross-compiler?

It's processor still uses an ARM design through so I think the ARM cross-compiler is still the right one to use, perhaps it needs some settings tweaking. I'm hoping Hugo or Mike might be along soon with an answer...
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday