if you turn on the unit either in the car (so it boots to now and next) or at home (in any info mode besides seek tool) and then you switch to seek tool it will not show the track name in the botton of the screen. with no track name listed if you change tracks it will show the track name. if you (leaving it on seek tool with no track name) reboot the machine it will boot to the seek tool (this is at home) and have the track name at the bottom. if you then (with the proper track name listed in the bottom in seek tool) switch to a diff info mode and change tracks then switch back to seek tool it will incorrectly list the track name. it will list the last track that was displayed on seek tool.

my email is down, if someone could email this bug report for me i would be appreciative.

if that was confusing, ask and i shall try to clarify.

nothing much
my life, use it wisely