Calvin, I'm surprised you didn't refer Heather to this old post about the same subject.

And Heather, I'm a bit confused. I was curious what kind of a person would want leopard-print carpet (aside from this well-known example, that is). So I looked at your e-mail address in your public profile and extrapolated the location of your home page at your ISP from it (add a tilde in front of your user name, just like my home page). There's not actually a home page in that location, there's just some stored JPG files. Which is what I'm confused about. I don't understand the purpose of the photos stored there. It's pictures of... articles of clothing on hangars. With the price tags still attached. It's either the beginnings of a brilliant piece of modern art, or a strange department-store fetish that I'm not even going to try to understand...
Tony Fabris