How hard was it to implement emplode from windows to the empeg? Do you have any resources available dealing with USB in windows?

Not easy. Especially since we were writing the slave driver for the empeg at the same time. We spent many days with Hugo saying things like "Send by 10 bytes" and I would type stuff at the Windows 98 command prompt...

You should probably take a look at the bulkusb driver on the Microsoft DDK site (I think it's The DDK contains a little information on USB. We've also got a copy of Developing Windows NT Device Drivers (Dekker & Newcomer) which was useful when we wanted to simplify our driver design but doesn't really go into much depth on USB.

Also, take a look at

(I tried marking up the URLs but it corrupted the message :-( )

Mike Crowe
I may not be speaking on behalf of empeg above :-)
Mike Crowe