Okay, I'm sorry to bring it up, but I don't know if these static songs I'm getting are due to the normalization or not. My problems seem to happen at complete random and without discrimination! There are 4 unique instances that I have experienced, so please tell me what you think:

1) I load the new Rob Zombie album. I listen to it all the way through several times. a bit later I go directly to one track called "Iron Head", and it's complete, very loud static.

2) I have an album by a band named Kyuss. I've had it on there for about a year. I've listened to it straight through about 6 times in the past week. all of a sudden, one track develops a bit of static on at the same places every time. it's not a lot, and it sounds like slight distortion, but it happens at any volumd level and the song is not that loud and it's never been there before.

3) Another album that's been on the player for a few months, I've listened to often, just tonight the very first song randomly becomes straight static.

4) The worst of the bunch, I load the new Tenacious D album onto the player. Later in the car I attempt to listen to it for the FIRST time, and EVERY track is COMPLETE STATIC!! That one was very annoying.

So what is up with this! The bug doesn't seem to pick out a track for any reason whatsoever. It's effected loud songs, soft songs, songs brand new to the player and songs that have been there for over a year!

What do I do about it? Are these songs effected permanently? I reloaded the Rob Zombie song, and it works fine now. I don't want to go through and remember every single effected track (and the mark function doesn't work). What do I do???