>Hand your Linux client the -bgr233 switch and see if it works.

[/home/root] vncviewer -bgr233 empeg
VNC server supports protocol version 3.3 (viewer 3.3)
No authentication needed
Desktop name "empegVNC"
Connected to VNC server, using protocol version 3.3
VNC server default format:
8 bits per pixel.
True colour: max red 7 green 7 blue 3, shift red 0 green 3 blue 6
Using default colormap and translating from BGR233. Pixel format:
8 bits per pixel.
True colour: max red 7 green 7 blue 3, shift red 0 green 3 blue 6
Got 256 exact BGR233 colours out of 256
Using shared memory PutImage
vncviewer: read: Connection reset by peer
ShmCleanup called