> Buy a used laptop on ebay and you'll end up paying maybe a quarter to a third of what you'd pay for a similar computer new. A no-brainer if you ask me.

Do you know some secret here? Based on that glowing recomendation I just registered on E-Bay 'cause I need a cheap laptop too, but it sure seems that the prices are almost identical to Pricewatch.com and in some cases higher. The same Sony laptop that is currently going for 1300 on E-Bay (with 2 hours still left in the bidding) is going for 1500 at several places on pricewatch. Certainly very close and likely to get closer towards the end of bidding.

And the good part about going through stores on Pricewatch is A) I know I will get the item and not be outbid, and B) Since I live in L.A. (the computer store mecha of the world), many of the places are close enough for me to drive to and pick it up tomorrow if I want.

Am I missing something here?
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB