Sheeshh.. does nobody around here know how to configure a web browser? Or maybe the Windows platform is just lacking good streaming media players?

It streams, and plays, "out of the box" for me using Netscape with plugger. The mime-type is (correctly) "audio/mpeg", and plugger just streams it into mpg123 in the background.

But of course this ties up a connection for the duration, and Hijack only allows four connections max by default, so better might be to download it and then play it. With this mode, it is extremely simple to edit the "helper applications" settings and add the audio/mpeg mime-type, pointing it at a suitable mp3 player (are there any on Windows?).

But if you'd rather have ".m3u" output, then somebody please post an example (complete, please) of webserver output for a ".m3u". Thanks.