1. The ability to reconfigure the remote keys.

I think I saw "Mac" say that this was already in the works.

Also, I would like the volume meter to go from one to ten (or 11!!!)

Well, then, why don't you make 9 the loudest, and when you need to go higher, you just turn it up to 10?
("But... these go up to 11...")

3. When a playlist stops playing the player goes black. This is just plain weird. Maybe it could go to the next playlist?!

Oh! Just go into the playlist's properties in Emplode, and set the "Automatically Repeat" feature. Then it'll repeat that playlist when it hits the end. Personally, I think that this should be the DEFAULT behavior, since I always set that checkbox each time I create a new playlist anyway.

4. it would be nice if we could have time remaining in the track as well as the playlist instead of just forward time.

I'll bet that doing this (as well as implementing my percentage bar idea) would depend upon the software calculating the song length ahead of time. I'm not sure it can do this at the moment. This would require extra disk access, as it would need to scan every frame header in the MP3 file before it can accurately display this number. Maybe it's already in the library and they just haven't implemented it yet. Mac? Any comment on this?

Tony Fabris