I use a Sima Automatic Component Selector. It's only got four inputs, but it has some very nice features and seems to be of very high quality. First, it can autoselect the input. If you turn a component on, it notices and switches over to that input automatically. If you turn it back off, it switches back to whatever was selected before. If you have only RCA video out on some components, but S-Video out on others, it will allow you to run just an S-Video out to your monitor and do all the composite separation. This is very nice for monitors that don't allow you to have both RCA and S-Video plugged into the same input. It also has an audio compression/expansion module, which I usually leave off, but the times I've used it, it's been pretty nice. It also has a remote control to select inputs. And it's cheap -- a little over $100 street. I've not been happier with any home theater purchase ever.
Bitt Faulk