Hmmm. Maybe you have an old version of Hijack that doesn't support ``site rw''? Can't remember when that happened.

I'm taking this to the empeg-preinit thread so other folks can find it. Oops. Forgot that this is the empeg-preinit thread.

Okay, I tried with a more recent version of Hijack, and something seems to have changed in the realm of ``this couldn't possibly be causing that''.

I've updated the install.ftp file in and it should work again. For the record, the output should now look something like:
C:\>ftp -s:install.ftp empeg

Connected to empeg.
220 Connected.
User (empeg:(none)):
230 Okay.
ftp> quote site rw
200 Okay.
ftp> cd /bin
250 "/bin" directory changed
ftp> bin
200 Okay.
ftp> put empeg-preinit hijack
200 Okay.
150 Opening data connection.
226 Okay.
ftp: 3520 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds 3520000.00Kbytes/sec.
ftp> quote site chmod 755 hijack
200 Okay.
ftp> cd /etc
250 "/etc" directory changed
ftp> quote mkd preinit.d
257 Okay.
ftp> quote site ro
200 Okay.
ftp> quit
221 Happy Fishing.


Edited by wfaulk (02/02/2002 12:07)
Bitt Faulk