Sorry for answering this late, but I was very busy...

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I thought I already told you plainly that the Alphaville song you posted had no problems playing under 2.0b7 on Mk2a hardware?

And I told you that they didn't play on my model with 2.0b7.

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Using emplode 2.0b7's ability to DOWNLOAD, pull the offending tracks back to your local hard drive and then play them back.

I used netcat to pull the file of the player.
The checksum was still the same as the original (I have all of them on DVD.)
All player played them.

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Also look at them with MP3 Tag Studio.

I used different mp3-check tools and none complained...

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Next, put them up for others to try.

That's why I put up that 200k of Forever Young.
And it worked on others system.

I just installed 2.0b11 and it fixed all my problems.
Well, I still "feel" that the quality is a little bit degraded, compared to 1.03, but that's only in the lab and unnoticeable in the car.

Problem solved.
And to tell you the truth,
I don't really care what fixed it.
As long as it stays fixed.

In the whole process I never touched that "broken" Alphaville song,
it's still the same I uploaded 14month ago.


I'm sorry about the harsh tone I hit in my earlier posts;
And I apologize for this.

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