I get this:
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "D:\Empeg\AutoHijack\autoHijack.py", line 345, in ?
new_kernel_file = check_for_latest_file()
File "D:\Empeg\AutoHijack\autoHijack.py", line 240, in check_for_latest_file
if newer_kernel_on_web(zImage_filename) or GL_overwrite_downloaded_kernels:
File "D:\Empeg\AutoHijack\autoHijack.py", line 211, in newer_kernel_on_web
if version(zimage_on_web) > version(disk_zImages[0]):
IndexError: list index out of range

When I run it... looks like it can't handle being run for the first time..

Edit: I had to comment out lines 211,214-216 and reduce the tab of 212-213 to get it to work the first time, if anyone else has this problem.. Once you have one done successfully it'll work ok.

Edited by Yang (03/02/2002 20:30)