I've brought up the idea of a new display several times. Not many people have commented on it, though. I don't know whether that's because no one thinks it's a good idea or whether they don't see a benefit of it. Anyhow, I had suggested that the Empeg folks consider using a multi-color display with a higher resolution. I was browsing Pioneer's website and saw this totally cool thing called Organic EL. If you want to see how really futuristic this display is and what the possibilities are, go take a look at the following pages. I suggest you view them in the order I listed them, as the last two give the absolute greatest example of how to use such a display.

Picture 1
Picture 2

An explanation of the technology can be found here:


So, what do all of you think? Hugo? Rob? Is this something that may be within reach for the Empeg? I see the possibility for some truly radical visuals somewhere down the pipeline! With Empeg's software and Prolux's visuals, the ability to program the display to show whatever you want, is just endless... as opposed to what Pioneer is doing with it and hardcoding the visuals in, with no hope for the user to EVER be able to change what THEY (Pioneer) decides you should see!

Thanks to Verement, who's posts I blatantly ripped the HTML code from to make those links with. I had no clue how to do it myself.
